Monday, November 10, 2008

just seeking to know God

when i was first married, i was very young and naive. i was a youth pastor's wife straight outta bible school who mistakenly believed that the people in our church were all on the same team - God's team.

i learned, but not as quickly as i should have, that there are a lot of reasons people join churches. and some of those reasons have little to do with wanting to know God better. there are social reasons. and networking reasons. and political reasons, to name a few.

most of our congregation were good, honest folk looking to raise their families with Sunday School, Awana clubs, 4th of July picnics, and Christmas cantatas. but there were power brokers too. people who lost sight of the church as the body of Christ. people who were mean spirited and spiteful and sought to rule instead of serve.

that "church" no longer exists. its building sold. its people scattered.

dave and i have stayed in touch with those who walked along side us then, friends who are closer than family now. sometimes we talk about it and it is painful. but it is healing too. to realize that God is God. and the lessons learned the hard way are still lessons learned and carried to our new church communities.

i think we're all a little more grateful, a little more cautious, and a lot more humble. we realize what a precious thing it is to be a part of a community of believers seeking to know God. not caught up in the power trips or the number games - just seeking to know God.

just seeking to know God. . .

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