Sunday, November 9, 2008

it's not what your kid does at 20. . .

parenting is hard and doesn't pay well either.
there is no fairy godmother who magically appears at the same moment the crisis does.
there are no gold stars for effort.
there are no guarantees.
heck, the child you are parenting may not even like you at this very moment. . . may even hate you.
we need to keep in mind that it is not what your child does at 5, or 9, or 14, or 20. it's who your child is at 40. . . maybe i should make that 50. . .


  1. Ha! Could that because a certain blog author is only 36 months shy of 50? Hee hee. I think you were pretty swell at 40, anyway.

  2. you are toooooooooo funny!!!
    i can't believe you caught that - my personal inside joke. :)
    although at this writing that certain blog author is only 29 months shy of 50.
