Thursday, June 4, 2009

a change of perspective

i am in Winona, Minnesota today - hanging around doing the tourist thing while one of my kids is sitting through transfer student orientation at one of the local places of higher learning.

yesterday, on the way here, said kid and i were admiring the lush green, rolling, hilly, bluff-infested countryside. we actually stopped talking for a few miles. then we laughed - it was pretty dang obvious we are Chicago flatlanders when this amount of topography can make us ooh and aah.

from out west where mountains are mountains and well, massively rugged and more than awe inspiring. they're down-right "put-you-in your-puny human-place" gigantimungous (ok, not found in the dictionary - but definitely should be). not to mention the other extreme "The Grand Canyon" - aptly named for depth and grandness. looking at either one puts things in perspective - quickly and decisively.

but since i've lived in the level land of Lincoln for over half of my life, and my day-to-day view has adapted - the lush green, rolling, hilly, bluff-infested countryside was an unexpected sight for sore eyes.

so, no - it wasn't the panoramic view of THE ROCKIES. . . it was Wisconsin!?!

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